(Remastered in 2019)
Without Carl is just the two players without a drummer or other voices. When you get to the essence of the blues, at least for the Mighty Fine Two Man Blues Band, it's a bass and a guitar playing together. This remastered release includes an additional bonus track. If you love the blues you’ll love Without Carl. We promise, Carl won’t mind.
- Blues for Friday Through the years the MFTMBB has reserved Friday afternoons for jam sessions. Kick back, tune up, turn it up and go. Sometimes that produces simple, pure blues with no frills and no fuss.
- Twist, Shout, Jam Do your own thing and have some fun with it. This is a feel-good jam that takes you somewhere then brings you back happier and satisfied.
- First Blues In baseball, first is where you are when you get a single. First is also when none has come before. First means eldest. First has more than a few meanings. In this case, it was just the start of a long jam session. Seemed fitting as a title at the time…
- The Blues When the tubes get hot the amps start sounding really good. See if you don’t agree.
If you want to get your blues groove going always start with the Mighty Fine Two Man Blues Band.
1 Blues for Friday ( 02:41 )
2 Twist, Shout, Jam ( 15:41 )
3 First Blues ( 13:26 )
4 The Blues ( 12:56 )
Without Carl (R2019)